Lambics- Mort Subite

For those who love beer and aren’t scared to try something very different, give a lambic a try. After tasting them, you may question if these are really beers and I assure you they are. Lambics are brewed in the Pajottenland region of Belgium southwest of Brussels and in Brussels itself at the Cantillon Brewery. As opposed to other beers, which are fermented with carefully cultivated strains of brewer’s yeast, lambic is fermented spontaneously by being exposed to wild yeasts and bacteria native to the Zenne valley in which Brussels lies. This process gives the beer its distinctive flavour: dry, vinous, and cidery, usually with a sour aftertaste.

I’ve had numerous lambics in the past and I’ve found them to be too sour for my taste. img_0589Mort Subite or Sudden Death was a nice change for me. Don’t let the name fool you, it actually has a low alcohol content of 4.5 percent. What makes me like this lambic over others is that it has a perfect balance of sweet and sour. It’s starts off sweet with raspberry flavors and finishes tart. Just enough of each to make it very interesting and enjoyable. Again, if you like your beers standard and bland, this is probably not for you. However, if you have braved the variety that is out there such as IPA’s, porters, and wheat beers and want something very different, give a lambic a try, especially this one.